Metortune brings racquet tuning to the next level

A precise digital swingweight, twistweight, balance and staticweight measurement device and autotuning using our sophisticated software in one easy to use package - Metortune

Why Metortune?

At Metorlab, our mission is to redefine the world of racquet tuning,
delivering unparalleled precision and unmatched speed

This portable device lets you tune racquets in a couple of minutes to above pro-room standards,
at your shop or directly on the court powered by a 5V powerbank!

All measurements are saved automatically in the Metorune software + we included an innovative lead tape calculator which calulcates the lead postions for several racquets in one go.

You can measure all 4 specs of a racquet in 35 seconds and perfectly customize a racquet in around 6 minutes.

Whether you're dealing with tennis, badminton, padel, or pickleball racquets (optional grip available),
the Metortune is your go-to customization machine for unmatched accuracy and and speed

Benefit from the next-gen racquet tuning device.

Metortune Swingweight Tuning Device

Tune your racquets in 4 easy steps!

Place racquet on the balance scales to measure balance and static weight in one go.

Mount racquet in the clamp and measure swingweight, turn the clamp to measure twistweight.

Select your measurements and define desired racquets specs. Let our software calculate the necessary lead length/layer count/postions for you in a matter of seconds.

Cut the lead tape and place it in the defined positions. Done!

What our customers are saying.

"I have been working with the Metortune since October 2023. It is the best tuning system on the market. The machine works great and we used it last winter in 1 WTA 500, 1 WTA 1000, and 1 ATP 500 tournament, as well as in our shop. I had pro players come in, and we can check all their racquets in a few minutes. Tuning and matching are super-fast on their cloud software."

Mark Maslowski - President ERSA International Stringers Association

"I think it's a great bit of kit. Love the small footprint and ease of taking it to tournaments. It fits easily into my car, out of the way. I’ve been using it on any racquets needing customization and logging that info on the software."

Paul Skipp - Head Stringer at Wimbledon, strung at 27 Grand Slams and counting.

"MetorTune has become an indispensable tool for all of my racquet modifications. Once calibrated the device is extremely accurate and reliable. I transition seamlessly from static weight and balance measurement to swing and twist weight, completing all 4 measurements in below a minute. The software is also a big differentiating factor. I have all current and past racket specs at my disposal, including each frames stringing and measurement / modification history. There is also a built-in and easy to use customizationation module that allows me to completel racquet matching and reach target specs in minutes. I have used other commercially available devices and MetorTune has been the best by far. i recommend it without hesitation"

Tim Gasperoni

High Precision Measurements


Measure Swingweight precisely for your racquets to 0.1kg*cm2. Calibration Routine is easy. Calibration rod included.

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We developed a new way to measure Swing/Spingweight for your racquet precisely. The difference of Spin - Swingweight calculates the Twistweight* (0.1kg*cm2) for the racquet.

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Measure the Balance/Weight of your racquets fast and precise in one go. Balance to 0.1mm.

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Static Weight

Measure the Balance/Weight of your racquets fast and precise in one go. Weight measured to 0.1 gramms. All scales can easyly be calibrated.

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Advanced Software Features

Auto Tune

We developed a highly sophisticated software which calculates the required weights for the racquet equalization in a matter of seconds.

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Auto Save

No need to save your measurements manually. Save all your measurements automatically into your metortune app if connected.

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Stringing DB

Save all your racquet stringjobs in your metortune app. (Strings,Tension,DT,Frequency,Date)

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Multiracquet / Multiclient

The metortune app allows you to save/assign multiple racquets/measurements/stringjobs to your clients

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Metortune Multi Tune demonstration video

Watch our video for a complete multi-racquet tuning process.
With the Metortune package, you can effortlessly tune three racquets in under 20 minutes.

Why twistweight is important?

Until now, twistweight was a dark horse in the tuning process of racquets. Measuring twistweight precisely was not possible in pro tuning machines. But twistweight is a very important criteria for a racquet. It not only changes the timing of the stroke but also the feel of the racquet. High twistweight gives a stable, muted feeling and forgiving racquet with a big sweetzone. Low twistweight in contrary makes the racquet more agile, finesse and spin friendly but also requires more skill by the player since the sweetzone becomes smaller. So a easy rule of thumb for a player would be, choose the lowest twistweight you can play without producing too many errors. With our metortune device you can provide this great new tuning possibility to your customers and set you apart.


Racquet tuning explained

Why racquet tuning?

Tennis racquets are often subject to manufacturer-related deviations. This can be as much as 10g for 2 identical racquet models. If you want to attach the missing weight to the lighter racquet, the question arises as to where the additional weight must be attached. To determine this position(s), the racquets have to be measured for their specifications. Here, expressions such as weight, balance, swingweight, twistweight play an elementary role. In addition, parameters such as the polarization, recoilweight or MGR/I are performance-relevant. Metorlab has managed to provide a comprehensive tool to comfortably and unrivaled accurately tune tennis racquets. No matter if you want to equalize racquets or tune them to optimize performance. The Metorlab Autotune functionality offers the advantage of being able to pre-calculate and, if necessary, modify the parameters changed by the addition of weight. This eliminates the need for tedious try and error games and racquets can be tuned in a targeted manner.

What is the static weight?

If you put a racquet on a scale, you measure the weight of a tennis racquet. If you grip the tennis racquet at its center of gravity (balance point), you feel the previously measured weight. During a tennis swing, the weight of a racquet plays a rather minor role, because it does not indicate how the mass of the racquet is distributed. The typical weight of a tennis racquet is between 290-325 grams for tournament racquets.

What is the balance?

Balance is the static determination of the weight distribution of a racquet. It is measured from the grip end of the racquet. If you grip the racquet at the end of the handle and lift it up, you can feel the balance. If the racquet has more weight in the head, you will notice that the racquet feels heavier in your hand than if there is more weight near the grip. Generally, heavier racquets tend to be built with lower balance and lighter racquets tend to be built with greater balance. The reason for this is simply that for the same overall weight, a racquet with a lower balance is easier to move. However, this fact applies primarily to the static consideration of weight and balance. However, since a tennis swing is a movement, the mass distribution around the swing axis plays a more important role. A quantity that expresses this mass distribution in a swing is called moment of inertia, or measured at a specific point, the so called swingweight.

What is the swingweight?

The swingweight is probably the best known moment of inertia in tennis. It is measured 100mm from the grip end of the racquet. This point is also called the pivot point. The higher the swingweight, the harder the racquet is to swing. However, the higher the swingweight, the more force is transferred to the hitting object. Therefore, it makes sense to know your personal maximum playable swingweight, which on the one hand does not negatively influence your swing, and on the other hand allows you to get the maximum power out of your shots. Any weight added outside the pivot point will increase the swingweight. The further away the weight is from the pivot point, the greater its effect. A typical swingweight for tournament racquets is between 270-310 kg*cm².

What is the twistweight?

The twistweight, or polar moment, is basically the moment of inertia about a twist of the longitudinal axis. Basically, it obeys the same laws as the swingweight, only about a different axis. The farther the mass is from the axis of rotation, the greater the effect on the twistweight. Applied to a tennis racquet, a higher twistweight means increased stability against lateral twisting, but also a decrease in the maneuverability of a racquet. If you don't hit a ball exactly in the middle of the racquet, a higher twistweight means that the racquet doesn't twist as easily. Thus, when hitting off-center, less energy is wasted in twisting than with a low twistweight, and the racquet feels more stable. A typical twistweight for tournament racquet is between 12-15 kg*cm².

What is the recoilweight?

Recoilweight is basically the moment of inertia of a racquet at the balance point. The higher the recoilweight of a racquet, the more mass is at the racquet poles (handle/head end). This circumstance is also often described by the term polarization. A high recoilweight feels more stable and softer on impact because less recoil energy is transferred to the hand. The club therefore plows through the ball more easily. A low recoilweight promotes length control of a shot, but this has to be paid for with less comfort and stability. A typical recoilweight for tournament racquets is between 140-160 kg*cm².

What is the polarization?

Polarization indicates whether a racquet has a lot of mass at the poles or rather at the balance point. Thus polarization is inevitably linked to recoilweight, because a light racquet requires a high polarization to achieve a high recoilweight. Even if polarization seems to play a subordinate role in static terms, it is essential for the feel of the game, because a polarized racquet plays differently than a depolarized one. In the swing, a polarized racquet feels as if you are pulling it through the point of impact. In contrast, a depolarized racquet feels as if you are pushing it through the point of impact. Which characteristic is desired or preferred by a player is individual.

What is the MGR/I?

For a long time, attempts have been made to correlate dynamic parameters such as swingweight with static parameters such as weight and balance. In other words, it is about what swingweight a racquet with a certain weight and balance point should have. You can think of it as the "golden ratio" for tennis racquets. If you know your preferred MGR/I, the usual swing behavior of a tennis racquet is sufficiently defined. Technically, the result of a correct MGR/I for a player can be seen as the ideal racquet angle at impact. If an individual MGR/I is too low, the usual swing cannot achieve the usual angle at impact without additional wrist effort. The racquet is too late at the usual ideal position. A too high MGR/I causes exactly the opposite. In this case, in order to achieve the usual hand/impact point coordination, one would have to deliberately slow down the swing of the forearm in order to achieve the ideal angular position of the racquet at impact. While these circumstances are usually compensated by the player through permanent in-game adjustments, the goal should still be to make a swing feel as natural as possible. A proper MGR/I reduces these adjustments and promotes consistency and comfort. A typical MGR/I for a tournament racquet is between 20-22.